Lecture “Making petroleum superfluous with microoranisms” on 25.01.2024 in Oberalteich

Making petroleum superfluous with microorganisms

On Thursday evening, January 25th, 2024, Prof. Dr. Zavrel held a talk on the topic “Making petroleum superfluous with microorganisms” in the Oberalteich Cultural Forum near Bogen.

The Bogen-Oberalteich Association for Culture and Research had invited and several interested listeners followed. Framed by musical accompaniment from Yesterday’s Songs from Straubing, the evening was informative and entertaining.

Prof. Zavrel began his task by asking whether anyone had already been on the ISS space station, aiming to compare how we on earth have to deal with our resources. In addition to the current and future problems that we have to face, Prof. Zavrel also presented his new professorship at the TU Munich on the Straubing campus and explained his current research projects clearly and in a generally understandable manner.

The audience was very interested and asked many questions afterwards, which Prof. Zavrel answered in detail.
