New project aims to avoid time and quality losses: Develop bioprocesses much faster
As climate change and the coronavirus pandemic progress, bioprocesses have become significantly more important. In order for the transition to a sustainable way of life and economy to succeed and to bring new medicines to market more quickly, the…
Professor of Bioprocess Engineering honoured with the Student Teaching Award 2024: Excellent teaching by Prof. Zavrel
“With great joy and admiration, the student body of the Technical University of Munich Campus Straubing (TUMCS) proudly presents the Student Teaching…
Sharing opportunities in Biotech with GMI youth
On 5 November 2024, Ulf Stegemeyer and Estelle van der Walt, doctorate candidates at the TUMCS professorship for bioprocess engineering visited the…
Bioprocess Engineering Team Holds Second Annual Scientific Retreat in Raitenhaslach: New Projects and Growing Team Drive Progress
The Bioprocess Engineering team held its second annual scientific retreat in Raitenhaslach, celebrating a productive year with six new doctoral…
M. Sc. Eric Gathirwa Kariuki Joins the Bioprocess Engineering Team
At the beginning of October 2024, Eric Gathirwa Kariuki M.Sc. has joined the Bioprocess Engineering team as a PhD candidate and Research Associate,…
BVT team also at the Straubing Gäubodenvolksfest in 2024
Once is not enough, but twice is already a tradition!
That's why the BVT team met again at the annual Gäubodenvolksfest in the Nothaft marquee.
Prof. Dr. Zavrel becomes the Scientific Lead at the TUM-UNESP Doctoral Summer School in São Paulo, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Zavrel will be the scientific lead of the TUM-UNESP Doctoral Summer School in São Paulo this year!
The TUM-UNESP Doctoral Summer/Winter…
Awarding of the Straubing University Prize 2024
On June 24, 2024, the “Straubinger Hochschulpreis 2024” was awarded in the festively decorated Knights’ Hall in Straubing Castle. This prize is…