Awarding of the Straubing University Prize 2024

Verleihung Straubinger Hochschulpreis 2024 an Matthias Tobler M. Sc., Foto: Eva Bernheim

On June 24, 2024, the “Straubinger Hochschulpreis 2024” was awarded in the festively decorated Knights’ Hall in Straubing Castle. This prize is awarded annually by the city of Straubing, the district of Straubing-Bogen and Sparkasse Niederbayern-Mitte for outstanding scientific theses.

This year, the lucky winner was to come from the Professorship for Bioprocess Engineering at the TUM Campus Straubing under the direction of Prof. Dr. Michael Zavrel and thus went to Matthias Tobler M. Sc. He was unanimously awarded the highly endowed university prize for his master’s thesis “Conceptual Design for Isobutanol Production”.

Prof. Dr. Zavrel had the honorable task of giving the laudatory speech for the award winner Matthias Tobler. He reported on the valuable collaboration and also highlighted the difficulties of this master’s thesis, as the calculations in the thesis were hard to predict – the MultiPilot plant is still under construction. It is precisely because of these many variables that it has become a remarkable piece of work and Matthias Tobler is a deserving winner of this year’s “Straubing University Prize”!

Among the invited guests were family and university friends, as well as many guests from different political areas. After the official award ceremony, there was a relaxed stand-up reception.
